Personal Fitness Training

Personal fitness training

Get fit for aging in Novi, Michigan


About personal fitness training

Intentional, well programmed exercise and movement is designed to support the activities you like to participate in or are passionate about doing. This programming will also build a strong foundation to let you breeze through tasks of daily life (groceries, cleaning, lifting, reaching). Tasks that apply for who you are today, but also as you age actively into the future! From better & stronger golf swing, getting down and up from the floor and reducing pain or discomfort to gardening, playing with the grandkids, walking and hiking with confidence, agility for tennis, ease of movement for worry free vacations…and so much more! 

The experience of guided exercise instruction, for some individuals, will be brand-new. For others, it’s been a positive way to work against the forward flow of the aging process. No matter who you are, (experienced exerciser, casual movement enthusiast or new to this fitness thing) or what your goals are (feel better, play better tennis, be strong for hiking trip), working with a professional, experienced Personal Fitness Trainer is extremely helpful. As a fitness professional I will help you determine; where you are now in your fitness and design a customized path to get you to your desired outcome! Don't wait, get started today!
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